Progress Teaching

Webinar: Excellence, no excuses – striving for teaching excellence all the time

With students facing more time away from the classroom, it is essential that when they return to school, they get the best possible education from their teachers to make up for lost time. One important way to ensure this is to focus on developing the practice of your teachers.

Feedback is a key factor for improvement and success in all walks of life. From learning how to play a musical instrument, to teaching a child how to read and write, we rely on constructive feedback to grow and improve our practice. As teachers, we give students feedback in every lesson, so why are we not doing the same for ourselves?

Feedback given to a learner, or teacher, about the learner’s performance should always be relative to their development goals; in the case of a teacher, it should aim to improve a student’s learning.

During this webinar, we will discuss the importance of regular feedback and observations for teachers. We will explore a proven observation structure that has been used to improve the quality of teaching across the Mossbourne Federation, and how this can be used by any school wanting to improve the standard of teaching delivered by their teachers:

  • Preparing for an observation
  • How often should observations be carried out
  • Providing continuous feedback
  • How to log observations and monitor them
  • How to use the information to then inform leadership conversations

We will also show you how the Progress Teaching platform simplifies the whole process around observations, whilst giving all members of staff a centralised place to track and monitor their progress.