Progress Teaching

Webinar: KS3 assessments and the curriculum

Since the removal of National Curriculum levels in 2014 schools have been refining how they measure the impact of their curriculum. Ofsted states that one of the most important factors in how effectively the curriculum is taught and assessed is to:

“…use assessment to check pupils’ understanding in order to inform teaching, and to help pupils embed and use knowledge fluently and develop their understanding, and not simply memorise disconnected facts.”

 “Inspectors will therefore evaluate how assessment is used in the school to support the teaching of the curriculum.”

Being able to gauge how well the curriculum has been received by our students is fundamental when it comes to delivering an excellent education.

Collaborating with other schools and sharing what’s worked, what hasn’t worked, and ideas for new ways of working is a great way to ensure that we constantly improve our practice.

During this webinar you’ll hear from Tom Cragg, Principal at Nishkam School West London about how his teachers approach KS3 assessments with the help of ProgressTeaching. Areas that will be discussed during this webinar include:

  • The vision for the KS3 assessment system
  • The curriculum planning process and the Nishkam ‘thresholds’
  • Creating assessments
  • Generation of data
  • Use of data
  • Challenges
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