Progress Teaching

Webinar: Making attainment data easily accessible and relatable at all levels

The thought of school data analysis can be overwhelming for many teachers and leaders when there is already so much on their plate – especially if it means spending hours of their time trying to make sense of complex spreadsheets and other documents from disparate systems. Moreover, many colleagues may not ever have received formal training on the analysis of school attainment data.

During this free webinar we give you practical advice and tips on collecting the right amount of data and how you can effectively manage school data analysis, regardless of which systems you use.

We’ve drawn upon our first-hand experience of working with some of the leading schools in the country to construct an easy-to-implement approach. This will save you and your team valuable time when it comes to data analysis and build confidence in this area. 

Hear from:
  • Alex Howard – Data Specialist at ProgressTeaching and former Vice Principal for Curriculum and Assessment at Mossbourne Victoria Park Academy
  • Peter Hughes – Founder of ProgressTeaching and CEO of the Mossbourne Federation

We will show you how to easily assess your data and make it readily accessible at all levels – from Trust and SLT, through to classroom teachers and associate staff. We will also discuss considerations around sample size, validity and reliability of attainment and progress data.

Key highlights include:

  • How much data should we collect?
  • What constitutes ‘good’ data?
  • What should be done with that data?
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