Teaching Improvement Platform - ProgressTeaching
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Your teaching improvement platform

ProgressTeaching is a teaching improvement platform used in primaries, secondaries and trusts across the country. It gives teachers more opportunities to talk about their development needs and improve their teaching.

Our teaching improvement platform is so effective that it saves schools up to 800 hours of lost teaching time a year.

Children only get one chance at an education, so we have to do everything we can to ensure they have the best teachers in front of them.” 

Peter Hughes, CEO of Mossbourne Federation and Founder of ProgressTeaching.

ProgressTeaching Vision

Instantly understand the quality of teaching at your schools

A pioneering dashboard that gives you a true insight into how your schools are performing. Identify your strengths and areas for development in an easy-to-understand format – this can be viewed by subject, year group, phase, school or at a trust level.

ProgressTeaching Vision removes the guesswork associated with understanding the quality of teaching and learning at your schools. 

  • The only dashboard of its kind 
  • Link to your teaching and learning rubric to identify CPD needs 
  • See which teachers are raising school standards and which need more support 
  • Monitor your school’s progress
  • Track and analyse attendance and exclusion trends  

School and trust leaders have access to the key information they need to make improvements at the click of a button. 

ProgressTeaching Teacher Development

Improve the way you give feedback

ProgressTeaching lets you focus on teacher feedback by providing quality information about areas for improvement. Preparing for an observation takes moments not hours. All of the information you need such as seating plans, contextual student information, and attainment and progress for each pupil, is logged and ready to view.

  • Centralise lesson observations
  • Upload supporting documents and photos
  • Share best practices
  • View teacher development trends on a department, school-wide or MAT-wide basis

These capabilities provide a single version of truth to identify the strengths in an observer’s feedback. You can quickly make action plans for your teachers’ development and foster a more positive culture around CPD.

Staff feel more valued and empowered with the ProgressTeaching teaching improvement platform.

ProgressTeaching Pupil

Quickly assess pupil progress and trends

Get actionable data in a just a few clicks. ProgressTeaching allows you to view a pupil’s progress across all their subjects in a single place. You can see their predicted and actual grades at a glance and identify which pupils need extra support.

The platform provides:

  • Real-time analysis of school, class, year group and pupil performance
  • A 360-degree view of a pupil’s progress
  • Easy access to pastoral reports and student support strategies
  • An effective tool for creating printable seating plans
    •  Pupil attainment and behaviour data shown on each tile
    • Up to 8 configurable elements on tiles
  • A single approach to information collection
  • Seamless integration with your MIS

Watch our webinar to learn more.

ProgressTeaching Parent

Effortlessly engage with parents

ProgressTeaching frees up your time to teach. No more chasing paper slips.

Write and send information to parents directly, respond to any concerns or questions from parents, share incident reports, identify any gaps in engagement

Parents can view:

  • Their child’s timetable and class information 
  • Progress reports 
  • Information about behaviour 
  • Communications from teachers 

Parent reduces the time it takes to produce reports by two thirds. 



Students trust & use Progress Teaching around the world

"Some quick example text to build on the testimonial text and make up the bulk of the testimonial content."

Johanna Thompson
Principal at OASIS Academy Silvertown
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There are unlimited possibilities to create great looking websites in minutes, with no need to write any line of code.

Nadine Petrolli
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There are unlimited possibilities to create great looking websites in minutes, with no need to write any line of code.

Marc Antoine
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Essentials theme is awesome! There are unlimited possibilities to create great looking websites in minutes.

Sara Smith
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Essentials theme is awesome! There are unlimited possibilities to create great looking websites in minutes, with no need to write any line of code, it's just so easy to use!

John Doe
via twitter.com


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