Who we help - ProgressTeaching
0333 2420393

A platform built by teachers, for teachers

ProgressTeaching is more than just a teaching improvement platform – our platform has been called the “holy grail” of schooling! 

We bring together all of your student attainment and progress data, teacher development requirements, parent communications, and data reports into a centralised platform – everything you need is ready to view in an instant.

The platform works with any MIS and is used by some of the highest performing primary schools, secondary schools and multi-academy trusts throughout the UK.

Saving time to focus on teaching

“Thanks to the ProgressTeaching platform, we now have a really effective and straightforward approach to improving the quality of teaching at our school.

With teachers being able to input data quickly and SLT having the ability to instantly set up a learning walk whilst accessing previous feedback comments, it’s going to save us so much time.

It means we can really focus on teaching rather than data collection and analysis!”

Emma Johnson, Head Teacher at All Saints CEVA Primary School

All Saints CEVA

Rapid improvement in teaching quality

“Having the platform has allowed us to really share strengths of teaching and learning whilst also having a focused method of feedback. We are seeing rapid improvement in practice because of the ease and focus of the system. 

The strengths and action steps allow a higher level of strategy for improving teaching and learning and for us to bespoke our CPD offering to the needs of the staff.”

Jocelyn Rebera, Deputy Headteacher at Hartsdown Academy

Find out more about how we can help you to improve teaching for better student outcomes: